Open Studio Guidelines

If you are new to the Teton Arts Studio, please email to begin your clay journey with Teton Arts!

To get started in our ceramics studio, we ask that you set up a tour and take at least one lesson to learn the lay of the land and make sure we are on the same page for protocols — to ensure functioning drains and successful art projects. Studio space is limited and we are no longer offering punch cards. We have monthly studio passes for sale, but you must first connect with Greg to confirm availability.

All studio users are Teton Arts Members. Once you are a member and have connected with Greg, you can purchase a monthly studio pass and create to your heart’s content!

To use open studio, first email to confirm availability and become a Teton Arts Member. Grab your membership here!

  • Adults signed up for classes or with a monthly pass are welcome in the studio at any time. Please communicate calmly and compassionately with other studio users regarding your safety needs.

  • Clay will be available for purchase on-line, or with check.

  • Avoid touching another’s pieces, station, or tools.

  • Before you leave clean your tools, buckets, brushes, station with soap and water.

  • Put clay scraps in the large slurry bucket, rinse your tools etc in the bucket then wash them with soap and water. Wash studio sponges with soap and water and leave to air dry.

  • Before you leave put your clay, tools, etc. away.

  • Have fun. Respect the studio and other members by maintaining a clean and safe space.

  • If you have any questions at all, email:

Open Studio time is available when there are no programs scheduled in the ceramics studio. Check out the ceramics studio calendar to see what’s happening!

Please note: during the summer months, we have summer camp operating in our facility from 9-3 Monday through Friday. You are welcome to use the ceramics studio during this time, but be advised it may not be the quiet space it is at other times of the day.